Karl Marx was wrong....religion is not the opium of the people...it's television and radio...get back to the truth of the stories, words and the truth of the music!
Stop thinking in the can...that's that the government wants...it's easier to control us that way.
Jim Morrison was right...."break on through to the other side."
You can think universally, but for Christ sake...do it on your own terms and no one else's! Question...please question...you can;t learn unless you do and stop relying on someone else to make up your mind for you...take care of you...you have to take care of you....you with whatever God(s) you beleve in. Let nothing or no one come between you and that higher power...that is the truth. Find it!
Stop thinking in the can...that's that the government wants...it's easier to control us that way.
Jim Morrison was right...."break on through to the other side."
You can think universally, but for Christ sake...do it on your own terms and no one else's! Question...please question...you can;t learn unless you do and stop relying on someone else to make up your mind for you...take care of you...you have to take care of you....you with whatever God(s) you beleve in. Let nothing or no one come between you and that higher power...that is the truth. Find it!